Friday, July 30, 2010

more Weblogic

I realized I have not blogged anything for over 60days now, also suggests not much quality findings, however I have been working on mostly weblogic setup. We did a portal cluster setup, also did a webcenter install - I see more and more weblogic in all these.

Firstly on weblogic portal sever cluster setup, there were couple of issues in setting up the remote server and starting up the managed servers - the errors we encountered are generally

1)weblogic.ldap.EmbeddedLDAPException: Empty initial replica

This issue, I am still not sure why it happens, but with proper restarts it gets away.

2)com.bea.common.engine.SecurityServiceRuntimeException: [Security:097533]SecurityProvider service class name for WSRPIdentityAsserter is not specified..

This issue was a big issue while starting the managed servers from nodemanager, what I saw was the managed servers could be started from prompt using startManagedServer scripts. While strting using script it starts in Development mode, uses slightly different Java arguments, and while starting from nodemanager it uses production mode. One of the arguments ALTERNATE_TYPES_DIRECTORY could cause this - see this

Also in - there is a property called StartScriptenabled, setting that to true also might help.

I am not sure how the domain/ servers and the nodemanager work together however all these issues are due to improper path settings.

3) Executable /app/bea/wlp1032/user_projects/domains/f1domain_prod/common/nodemanager/bin/ does not exist

Again this one another nodemanger issue, while enrolling a remote server in node manager, it creates the server under domain/common/nodemanger instead of domain/servers - and the start scripts are not there. I am yet to find what’s the correct way to avoid these.

4)Caused By: weblogic.common.ResourceException: Failed to bind remote object (ClusterableRemoteRef( null)/294 [weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RemoteDataSource]) to replica aware stub at

This was a issues with setting up datasources for RAC db, it needs all JNDI names to be unique, see this

5) Connection reset Exception encountered while communicating with this node manager:
Nodemanger unreachable

This was a issue with setting up remote weblogic managed servers, there are wlst commands to enroll remote servers using nmEnroll(), this resolves this issue, however it may cause issues while startup if not done properly, steps here

Also I installed webcenter for adf and spaces development, It is another product on weblogic, some interesting stuff, more on this later.


Anonymous said...

I'm facing WSRPIdentityAsserter is not specified as your no 2 problem.
Can you specify in details how to solve the problem because not really understant what to change. I try to follow your instruction but still cant solve my problem


Avijeet Dash said...

you can use the nodemanager to start the servers from console, with StartScriptenabled property true.