Wednesday, September 28, 2011

more on AIA2.4/10g

Last week while deploying some integration flows on AIA2.4/SOA10g/Weblogic, had two interesting errors -

1) While deploying the ESB (EBS in AIA) got the error -

A Service or ServiceGroup of name "XXXEBSV1" already exists under parent AIASystem

Found a good blog on this here, which talks about an ESB bug - and the solution to that is
Either you delete the esb before redeploying, or if you are doing it from a script - we can deploy a esb project with no routing and having the same GUIDs for all the services. Deploying the ESB with No routing firth and they deploying the ESB with routing will resolve the issue.

2) The second issue was with correlation sets - we were running a huge loop across EBF -> ESBV1 -> Provider BPEL -> ResponseESBV1 -> EBF

And it was important that the correlation sets work properly for the loop to continue. So we had 3 points in the EBF where callbacks were to be received. We created 3 correlation sets in each scope invoke with yes and receive with no, associated with property with type normalized string, for property alias we picked the EBM_ID, It needs 2 entries in the wsdl one for requestEBM and one for Response EBM. On the Provider BPEL part also we created correlation set on the first received activity (with yes) and then at the invoke ResponseEBS (with no) one.