Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The first thing to note is global transactions will only work among sync processes, so an async bpel/esb cannot participate in a global transaction, so the way to make an async process sync is set delievryPersistPolicy to off.immediate.

Now partnerlinks in sync processes participate in global tx in 2 ways
1. set transaction=participate at the partnerlink (child BPEL or esb call) level
2. set transaction=participate at global level under in bpel.xml (It seems default in - This is for all adapter calls (DBAdapter, AQ, JMS etc.) to participate in global tx

Now for the global tx to work, you have to use datasource with global tx enabled and using an XA driver(may not be true XA).

So when there is error (bindingfault) from dbadapter calls, it will mark the tx for rollback, but it will actually not rollback.

What we have seen is you have to set handleTopLevelFault=false in the configurations/bpel.xml so that rollback works. The other approach is to throw rollback exception in catch-all block.

The following seems to be best-way for global tx handling ( on weblogic 9.2)
1. XA driver with Global tx enabled
2. in catch-all throwing rollback exception

This is rolling back the db inserts, as well dehydrating the bpel.

As bpel dehydration is happening, it seems it’s happening in a separate thread/tx (need to check if its a supported feature in However we also saw the instance getting into recover(invoke) while using handleTopLevelFault=false.

a good discussion in OTN here and here
some good bpel tx details here and here

update on 23/10 does support audit in a seprate thread in async mode as per release notes.

Monday, October 12, 2009

ORABPEL-11825Attempt to use an unsupported database platform.

If you get this error -

WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'T' failed due to: Attempt to use an unsupported database platform.Database platform is not supported: oracle.toplink.platform.database.DatabasePlatform; nested exception is: ORABPEL-11825Attempt to use an unsupported database platform.

Then DBAdpater configuration needs set the PlatformClassName, sample values

  • oracle.toplink.platform.database.Oracle9Platform
  • oracle.toplink.platform.database.DB2Platform
  • oracle.toplink.platform.database.SQLServerPlatform

you can also take this value from the MCF property settings.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dynamic partnerlink

While crating EAI flows involving many bpels/esbs one common requirement is to be able to call some dynamic logic at run-time. For example say we have a set of requester and provider bpels, which transform the source-format to canonical and canonical to destination-format respectively. However we also have a requirement to do certain enrichment to the data if the source is A and some other enrichment if the source is B. since our requester bpel is common to both the sources we need to extend it in a manner that both the specific enrichment requirements for A and B are taken care while creating the canonical. So one-way to do this is to create source specific or "whatever" (which needs extension) specific bpels and call them from the common requester or provder bpels. And which bpel to call gets decided at run-time. This is a typical requirement for creating dynamic partnerlinks. This is covered in detail in this article

So lets say your master bpel is M and you need to call either A or B based on the source system. In order to create a dynamic link to A or B, roughly below are the steps
1. A and B should be based on same wsdl/xsd
2. In M we need to include this wsdl/xsd with an service endpoint url (this url doesn't matter as at runtime it will be replaced with actual url)
3. Creating a variable of type EndpointReference - and set the following XML fragment
[wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing"] [wsa:Address/][/wsa:EndpointReference]
4. The actual address has to be obtained from somewhere, either from database or from a config file
5. Once the actual address is obtained, set it to the EndpointReference address
6. Assign the EndpointReefrence to the partnerlink directly

Please refer to the article for sceenshots.

JSM Cluster in Weblogic

When we had to deploy queues/topics in Weblogic cluster, there were two challenges, how to make the queues load balance and how to failover between nodes. Both the challenges are taken care by creating distributed queues (uniformly) and deploying to the jms servers in soa cluster (using a subdeployment module). For internal JMS clients like bpel both load-balance and failover are taken care by the server. However for external JMS clients (weblogic) we used provider url as t3://host1name,host2name:port to achieve HA and it works.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sync DBAdpater call time-out

While working on a real-time interface to sync receipts to Oracle EBS by using pl/sql apis, I got a sense that DBAdapter is probably the epicenter of all EAI/SOA work (not to forget the fileadapter). There is so much to the DBAdapter. We had to do two things. Firstly to create a DBAdpater partnerlink to call a custom pl/sql api to insert data to open interface tables, Secondly call another custom pl/sql api (which in tern calls a standard oracle api) to move the data from open interface tables to base tables.

The partnerlink creation was quite straight forward using the wizard, we had the customary issues of recreating the partnerlinks again and again when the signature of the api was changing. Since the API had complex data types such as record type and table type the wizard created wrapper packages for the bpel. While recreating we had to take care of the name and namespaces, so that it doesn’t conflict with the mappings we had created. One thing to take care was the order in mapping has to be same as mapping in the XSD. We didn’t use DetectOmission or DirectSQL optimizations in these calls as these were api calls and not direct db inserts.

One major challenge we faced was when the second api was taking too long to respond and the bpel instance went into manual Recover(invokes). In the logs we saw timeout errors for more than 120 secs. So We increased the time-out based on this post also here

This improved the issue, but we still were not getting bpel time-out errors the instance was going into recovery. As it turned out timeout properties on partnerlink only works for soap calls, as suggested here. The next option is to set the DBStoredProcedureInteractionSpec property QueryTimeout (set this in your adapter WSDL, jca operation) this option works for store proc calls in, it didn't work for me. We also tried to set deliverypersistpolicy to off.immeidate for the partnerlink.

However some optimizations on the Oracle API side like index creation, and process thread increases improved the performance form bpel drastically.