Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dynamic partnerlink

While crating EAI flows involving many bpels/esbs one common requirement is to be able to call some dynamic logic at run-time. For example say we have a set of requester and provider bpels, which transform the source-format to canonical and canonical to destination-format respectively. However we also have a requirement to do certain enrichment to the data if the source is A and some other enrichment if the source is B. since our requester bpel is common to both the sources we need to extend it in a manner that both the specific enrichment requirements for A and B are taken care while creating the canonical. So one-way to do this is to create source specific or "whatever" (which needs extension) specific bpels and call them from the common requester or provder bpels. And which bpel to call gets decided at run-time. This is a typical requirement for creating dynamic partnerlinks. This is covered in detail in this article

So lets say your master bpel is M and you need to call either A or B based on the source system. In order to create a dynamic link to A or B, roughly below are the steps
1. A and B should be based on same wsdl/xsd
2. In M we need to include this wsdl/xsd with an service endpoint url (this url doesn't matter as at runtime it will be replaced with actual url)
3. Creating a variable of type EndpointReference - and set the following XML fragment
[wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa=""] [wsa:Address/][/wsa:EndpointReference]
4. The actual address has to be obtained from somewhere, either from database or from a config file
5. Once the actual address is obtained, set it to the EndpointReference address
6. Assign the EndpointReefrence to the partnerlink directly

Please refer to the article for sceenshots.

1 comment:

Narasimha Dasari said...

you have to import this schema ws-addressing.xsd to create variable EndpointReference
